Our tutors are high achieving university students or recent graduates

They've aced the high school curriculums their students are now facing. They've just spent years overcoming the same challenges that students are facing today. Now, they want to share all that they've learned.

MyTuition tutors, like all empathetic people, are people who want to make a positive impact in the world. This ambition is what drives their academic pursuits, and it is also what drives their passion for tutoring.

Rigorous screening process

Not everyone who has good grades is also good at teaching. All our tutors pass through multiple rounds of screening, including a comprehensive, face-to-face interview.

In the screening process, tutors are assessed for their academic knowledge and their ability to pass on that knowledge. Our process incorporates elements that mimic real-life lessons in order to best assess potential tutors' communication skills, teaching ability and their ability to engage students.

We're proud of every single tutor on our team.

A drawing showing A+ on a exam paper

All tutors have WWCC checks and are screened for academic performance, teaching ability, and suitability as a mentor.

A drawing of a smart tutor with a graduation cap

All tutors are currently studying at University or have recently graduated from University.

To all interested tutors: Does the above sound like you? Click here to learn more about how you can join the team.

Well supported tutors that grow & develop

Just as students are supported by their tutors, tutors themselves also thrive best when they have people to support them.

Our tutor support system facilitates an exchange of knowledge and experience between tutors. Every single tutor joins a team where they have a close network of fellow tutors to develop their skills with. In addition, an experienced senior tutor leads the team, and oversees the team's training and development.

Our tutors sharpen their skills in workshops where they learn the best practices for teaching, and broaden their tutoring tools.

There's also an ecosystem of social and professional events available to our tutors, which offers another avenue to share their experiences with tutoring, and pass on tips and tricks to each other.

We currently have a team of over 700+ talented tutors. Meet a few of them below!

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